Private Lessons
Studio Instruction
Evenings / Weekends
One-on-one, in-person instruction is my preferred method of teaching. I recommend a minimum hour for most lessons and two hours for your first lesson. I teach in my own private studio in Oakland, CA. I am happy to provide practice sets of buugeng during instruction.
- $65/ hour
- $30/ half hour past the first hour
- $25/ hour per person for group classes of three or more.
- $.75/ mile + hourly rate for travel (Negotiable within near Bay Area)
- Studio rental outside of my own space can be negotiated.
- 50 % nonrefundable deposit due at booking of lesson.
Classes tend to run over a few minutes due to my own enthusiasm.
50% nonrefundable deposit required to secure booking, remainder due in class,or prior to class, unless otherwise arranged.
I accept: Paypal, Venmo, Square Cash, US currency
Sliding scale available for financial need. Contact me if you would like to work out trades or talk about a discount. If something is holding you back, let's talk about it.
I will happily roll the nonrefunable deposit forward as a future class deposit in the event of a student's emergency cancellation. Things come up; I'm not heartless!Video Instruction
Drop me a line and we can work out times.
One-on-one streaming video instruction is available for those outside of reasonable travel range. You must own your own buugeng. I offer through Skype, FB, Facetime, and Google Hangouts. Let me know if you require other software interfacing. No groups, please.
- $60/ hour, offered in 15 minute increments.
- 50 % nonrefundable deposit due at booking of lesson.
Classes tend to run over a few minutes due to my own enthusiasm.
50% nonrefundable deposit required to booking, remainder due prior to lesson unless otherwise arranged.
I accept: Paypal, Venmo, Square Cash, US currency
Special rates available for financial need. Contact me if you would like to work out trades or special rates. I want to see buugeng spread!
I will happily roll the nonrefunable deposit forward as a future class deposit in the event of a student's emergency cancellation. Things come up; I'm not heartless!
© 2016